divendres, 20 de març del 2015

Formal letter

20 Vall d'Ases
Castelló d'Empúries 
13th March 2015 

Human Resourses Department
Mc Donald's

Dear Christian:
We wold like to apply for a Job in Mc Donald's for the summer and If possible we can continue on weekends during the winter. 

First o fall, we would like to work with your company because we love being with the public, to satisfy the buyers, have responsabilities in a team and to work with more people. 

Wes tudy 1st ofscientific batxillerat. We know Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Italu very good. Before applying for bershka and at Decathlon.

Looking forward to your prompt reply

Your sincerly

Paula and Elia

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