dilluns, 26 de setembre del 2016

Dear teacher ...

Dear teacher,

My name is Xènia Segura and I’m 17 years old. I live in Vila-Sacra and my hobbies are waterpolo and listen to music. In this course 2016 – 2017 I’m doing 2nd of Batxillerat another time, but now I only come into 4 classes of the 4 subjects that I didn’t pass last year. I failed Maths, History of Spain, Philosophy and Spanish. But I will keep going to the others classes to improve my knowledge and practice for selectivity exams. For example in English, the 1st day of class I asked to Lourdes if I had to do all the homework and the blog. She told me that if I want to have good grades in selectivity I have to work in class like the other people, but I don’t have to do the oral presentations.

My short-term goals this year are four: the first earn good grades in the four subjects that I have to do. The second try to learn more from the others subjects that I don’t have to study, like English, Catalan or Technology. The 3rd one is earn a good mark in selectivity. And the last one is enter into the degree that I like. Now I don’t know what degree I want to do because I like different degrees, for example: Teaching or Design. If I choose Teaching I would have to choose between two specialties: Primary Education or a double degree of Childhood and Primary Education. And if I choose Design I would have to choose between three specialties: Graphic design, Industrial design or Interior design. The problem of choosing design is that there aren’t public universities and all the private universities are very expensive. For example, last year I went to a conference of a university of Barcelona called EINA. When I was listening of the speakers I thought that design is a good way for face my future but then they said that every credit costs 61€ and I thought: WOW this is too cheap! But a girl raises her hand and asked how many credits are in one course and they told … 250 credits!! Suddenly all the people on the room took their phones and calculate the price. The final price was … 15250€!!!! It was so CRAZY! When the conference was finish I left the room and I looked to my friend and we started to laugh!! It was unrealistic.

Now I’m think of my large-term goals, but in this moment of my live I don’t have a large-term goals because all the people who is doing Batxillerat thinks in four short-term goals: Pass Batxillerat, approve the research paper, pass the selectivity and study the degree that they like. When all these people, included me, finish all these goals, we start a new stage less stressful, a stage where we will be able to think more about our future and our large-term goals, but now we only think in get off this stage of our lives with a good results.

And I think that it’s all I think about my goals.

I look forward to hearing from you.
