divendres, 9 d’octubre del 2015

Mail to teacher

Dear Lourdes,

I’m Xènia Segura; this is my first letter to you and the first of the course. In this letter I talk about my own goals and challenges that I have to overcome in a long or short term. Another part of this letter is of opinion on the speech made by Obama for the US students, talking about the school and how is important the studies on our live.

My goals in a short-term are to pass “Baxillerat”, “Selectivitat” and do a good Research Paper. To achieve these goals, I have to push myself in class and at home, to study more. I know that last year I worked a lot, but still could have given more of myself, so this year I will try to give everything. Another challenge in short term would be to fight to try to win a first or second place in the standing of the feminine waterpolo catalane league. This goal is a bit difficult because we play against teams of Barcelona who trains 2 or 3 hours a day. My team only trains two hours in two days and we are a new team with a lot of new gamers, and also this teams of Barcelona makes more time playing than us. For this reason they know more. But we will not give up. My goals in a long-term are:

  1.  Do a degree that I like it, for example: graphic design, interior design or teaching child. And I can work in a good job.
  2.  I would like to travel throughout the USA.

The problems for these two challenges are three. The first problem is that I don’t still know what I want to study of the three degrees that I commented after. The second problem is the crisis of the employment of Spain who you study what you study there is almost no work to practice what you have studied. The last problem is that I need a lot of money and a lot of time to spend in the USA.

In the speech of Obama I focused in a part very important which is true. There are many students who cut class, get into trouble and drop out of school. They really do not know what they do. They do a turn for the worse and they are driven directly to a failure. However there are many other students looking for success. They earn good grades, get scholarships, click with teachers … These students are people who never refuse to give up, they let their failures teach them, keep going with their work and put their best effort. This second type of people don’t let us down, they make us all proud!

My best wishes.
Xènia Segura