dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015

Modern Family

This program called Modern Family is a television program aimed at all audiences. It's a comedy, a family quite peculiar. This family consists primarily of a separated father with his two sons.
The father is Jay is married to a very beautiful Colombian, named Gloria, who has a son who is Many.
Then either Claire, the daughter of Jay, who is married to Phil, and have three children. The eldest daughter Hailey, the middle daughter, Alex, and finally the youngest son, Luke.
Finally in Mitchell, Claire's brother is married to Cameron, and have adopted a daughter, Lily called.

I really like this series because it is a comedy in which many current issues can be addressed. For example, homophobia, racism ...

I like the character Cameron, the husband of Mitchell, is gay, who doesn't want to adopt the role of the mother in the family, he wants to be the man. The problem is that very effeminate, and everybody treats it as a woman.

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