diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

Last Weekend

The Last Weekend I had a great time. On Saturday I woke ap at 8 o'clock because my brother plays a match of football in Llança with the Esplias, of Castelló d'Empúries, that match was very exainting, finally wons Llança 3-2. 

When the match was finished inmmediatly we went to Martorell, because I play a match of waterpolo at 4:00 o'clock. This game was very important for both teams, because they could raise or lower classification. In the end we lost 12-7. But we had a great time.

After the match we went with my friend to the Espai Girones, and buy a lot of things. At 8:30 p.m the team of the boys playing in Figueres and we went to see. They win 17-5. When me and my parents get home, I prepare dinner, a delicious homemade pizzas. When we finished of ate, we went to the sofa to watch a film called The Hunger Games.

On Sunday I woke up at 10 o'clock and did homework until quarter past 13. At half past of 14 I went to the restaurant El trull d'en Francesc in Boadella, because it was the anniversary of my grandmother. In the afternoon I returned home and I ended up studying and doing homework. And then we watch a movie on the sofa eating pop corns.

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