dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016

My english competence in 2016

Well this two courses of Batxillerat I learnet a lot and I'm so proud of my job in this subject. Now that I finish my English class I can look back and ... FLIP OUT!

I did it a lot of things for improving my English and I think that the type of class that we did it's perfect to learn English, because are Interactive and we pay more attention than if we did regular class. I think that the English class is different to the others and I'm more ready than in another class. The good think about the subject is that we learn in different ways, for example, with songs or reading news and doing this blog.

I think that in the English class just need to improve more vocabulary and practice more the phrasal verbs in class, because it's a practical thing that the English people use a lot and in my class for example we know it but we don't use it a lot. Another think that this class can improve is the way to teach the grammatical theory, because depend of the part of grammatic it can be difficult to understand.

I can say that because I see my evolution in these years and the good job that I did it. The best examples of my improvement are the next.

My best presentation was: YouTubers. I think that It would be my best oral presentation because it was one of the final group presentation, and here I show all that I learned from the English class.

My best task: Do you believe in love at first sight?. This last task talks about a topic that I like it and I express all the things that I feel and I think of this topic.

My best news: Drug Addicts Could Fight Addiction With Memory-erasing Chemical Scientists Say. This news is one of my best news because I could summarize the new without any problem.

My best your say: HELLO LONDON!. This your say it's one of my favourites and the best your say that I did it because it's like a travelling diary of our London trip. It would be one of my best your says because I writed more than 3 thousand words expressing all that I felt during on of the best weeks of my life. 

And this is all that I improved in English, in 3 years. 

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