divendres, 4 d’abril del 2014

Tourist interview


·Where are you from? I'm from Uk

·Is it the first time that you are in Spain? No, last summer i went to Madrid, it was really nice.

·How did you come here? By plane, ship or train? By plane. 

·Why are you in Barcelona? Because I found a (...) and also Barcelona is very cheap.

·How long are you going to stay here?  We stay two days more.

·Are you travelling with family or friends? I travelling with my brother, parents and (...) friends.

·What do you like the most? I like everything, but the most are park Guell.                
·Have you bought any presents? No, i only bought for myself

·How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot? More than (...) by bus and the other foot.

·Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? Yes, Hola, Tapas and Barça 

·Have you tired any typical Spanish or Catalan food? No, because i eat in the .... Most of the time. 

·Do you think Barcelona is expensive? No it's really cheap

·Do you se any differences from your country? Yes, are a lot of differences, for exemple the weader

·Is there anything you don't like? No i like everything.

·Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends? Yes, i ... for ...

·Will you come back again? Yes i will 

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