divendres, 21 de febrer del 2014

Romantic movie

The proposal 

The title of the movie is the proposal. It came out in 2009. The director of the movie is Anne Fletcher, is a great director. The actor of the film are:
Sandra Bullock, is on of the protagonist of the film, she is Margaret Tate, the boss of editorial.
Rayan Reynolds, is the other protagonist of the film, he is Andrew Paxton, is the employee of editorial.

The story is about a woman whose green card is expired, and must return to Canada, but she thought that if she married with an american man, would give a green card. She asked one of his employeds to marry with her for would the green card. He accepted, but when they go to marryed, the people who arranged the papers ask is this a farce to keep the green card, and they deny them. Thay wanted to marryed on his home with his family, and each passing day they were falling in love with it

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